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Venti-sized Wisdom In a Small Cup!

Delivered to your inbox each Monday!

Starting off each week with a 3-card reading, journal prompts, and Tiny Ritual suggestion. This offer is free for subscibers to my email list. 

A 3-card recorded reading that will offer wisdom for your week.

Image by Prophsee Journals

A simple but impactful ritual intentionally crafted to accompany the reading.

Image by Karly Jones

Subscribe to get your weekly caffeine!

See You Next Monday!

Receive journal prompts designed to help you uncover even more meaning behind the reading.

Image by Cat Crawford

Your Own Caffeinated Order

Get a personalized 3-card reading in the style of Caffeinated Tarot.


If you have been contemplating something for a while and need additional, more personalized messages from the cards, this reading is for you.


Submit your question and receive a 3-card recorded reading, customized reflections prompts and a curated Tiny Ritual to help you support the message. 


Send me a request for this and you will receive a form to complete for your query and the link for payment.  Within 3-4 days you will receive an email with your personalized reading.


​​ONLY $45

Image by Jessica Mangano

Coming Soon:

Celtic Cross

Reserve your live and interactive reading now! Space is limited.


One of the most popular and powerful spreads in Tarot is the Celtic Cross.


This10-card spread can help you navigate a current situation or provide a missing piece into what is going on in your life.


You will receive the recording from our interactive call, additional reflective prompts and a tiny ritual customized to your individual reading.

I am only offering 4 per month, so reserve your reading now. Simply click the link below for more information. 


This also makes a great gift.


ONLY $88


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