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Tiny Rituals Subscription Box

Seasonal. Simple. Intentional.

Back in the Spring of 2020 the world shut down and like many humans, I found myself out of sync with what had been the daily rhythm of my life. The result was a misalignment with my overall health - mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.  I began looking for small ways to connect with myself, to ease the anxiousness, to feel less alone in a situation that had separated us. 

Image by Jessica Ruscello

I began to notice certain actions I was taking that seemed very basic, ordinary, even mundane and realized that each held glimmers of possibility. What if, inside each of these actions, was the space to become grounded, to truly be "where my feet are"? What if I stirred my coffee and whispered an intention for the day? How would it feel to touch a Rose Quartz crystal and say "I love you", while looking at myself in the mirror? What could happen?

Mundane moments became powerful.

As a solitary Witch, I have many rituals that are just part of my expression, my spiritual practice. These are more involved and are usually associated with a season, lunar cycle, or holiday. However, the small, daily practices are what keep me mindful that I can, at any time, reconnect to myself.  When I began putting intention behind the action, I noticed myself shifting from future-focused to present. My heart rate slowed, and my mind was clearer.  

In the last few years these simple practices have grown in number, some I do with regularity, some ebb and flow with the season. Some have lost their initial spark and get shelved and new ones are being created all the time. 

Fast forward to October 2023 during a conversation with a dear friend who simply suggested that I share these "tiny rituals" with my community. After my initial resistance, I allowed myself the possibility of making these practices more widely available. How could this possibly help others, I wondered? 

Tiny Rituals has a home and a bigger purpose.

Within weeks of that conversation, I launched the Salt & Sage Tiny Rituals subscription box and offered it to a small group of women who knew my work with Tarot. I limited the number of boxes available to keep it doable for myself and honestly to keep it more meaningful. Every aspect of the box is created by me, from sourcing of the tools included, to the creation of rituals to packaging to dropping off at the post office. It seems sweeter to keep it close to my heart and my work.

I also began creating Full and New Moon postings for a couple of groups I am in and began including Tiny Rituals the others could create in their own lives - working with candles and herbs, creating art, journaling prompts, and more. The tools help the recipient connect to their inner light, and their intuition, and ultimately are an expression of self-love. While I never thought about sharing these with others, preferring to keep my spirituality in the broom closet, I also recognized that almost every person I had contact with, many of them coaching clients, needed the same medicine I was taking - simple ways of reconnecting and remembering that life is simply moments strung together. 


I hope that as more and more people recognize these small moments, purposely connecting with our breath, the elements, a simple stone, a flicker of a candle, the setting of an intention, the ripple effect of beautiful, harmonious energy keeps us connected, in some tiny way. 


If you are interested in learning when the next limited box offering of Tiny Rituals begins, leave your email below. You will be hearing from me in September 2024. They are based on the Winter and Summer Solstices and Spring and Autumn Equinoxes. The contents of the box are cleared and charged and sent off with a sprinkle of salt - for protection, and sage - for wisdom. They are wrapped in love and hope for each recipient. 

Sign up for Caffeinated Tarot, a free 3-card recorded reading that includes a tiny ritual, delivered directly to your inbox every Monday morning.

Email me at if you have any thoughts or questions you would like to share.

Get a Notification of the Next Tiny Rituals Drop!

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